Friday, November 27, 2009

Newsworty or not: You be the judge!

The news has been a buzz the past few much about the Gosselins. If you do not know who they are, they are the stars of a show on TLC called Jon and Kate Plus 8. The show followed them throughout their daily lives taking care of their multiples (a pair of twins and a pair of sextuplets). In June of 2009, the Gosselins announced that they were filing for divorce, and then the media frenzy ensued. The paparazzi has been tailing the family, tying to create any story they can, making matters worse. Why worse? Well think about the kids. They should not have to subjected to all this drama.
We are all adults here, everyone should back off and let them have privacy at this time is one argument tat man have.

But then let me play devil' advocate: why does Kate Gosselin continue to do all these interviews? She must want the publicity!

People get divorces all the time, news channels should not be talking more about their drama than real world issues. But alas, they are the gatekeepers, and they tell us what is news.

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