Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What news is good news?

That question is definitely up to personal interpretation. Just to think, a few decades ago we only had three TV channels and the daily news only came on once a day at 6pm! Now we have channels on cable television just dedicated to round the clock news. The main channels of this sort include CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. And all have been criticized for being one sided on the political forefront. FOX news , which uses the moniker, "fair and balanced" is obviously conservative/republican in all of their news stories. On the other hand, CNN although they claim to present the facts from both sides of the spectrum, is blatantly liberal/democratic. MSNBC seems to flip flop from time to time, but for the most part, has been consistently liberal. What does this all mean and why does it matter? Well, we all know that people like to tune into things consistent with their beliefs and tune out things that are not. So this perpetuates more one sided ways of thinking and does not give people the opportunity to hear all sides of a issue.

Its upsetting that news outlets are like this, but what can we do about it? They are the gatekeepers, and unfortunately, unless something drastically changes, there will always be biased news in the world. But the good thing is that the net generation along with probably many generation X- have learned to take things merely at face value and then go and research the topics for themselves. Thoughts?

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