Saturday, November 28, 2009

Viva Reality

Everyone watches it even if they say they don't: Reality TV. Why is it so popular. Has the sitcom died? Well not exactly, but the sitcoms that ARE thriving focus their shows like they are reality, everyday people (i.e. The Office, 30 Rock). So what is so enthralling about reality TV. I believe it is the shock factor. Many people watch it because they are thinking to themselves, "well, at least I am not as screwed up as those people!!"

But in reality TV, there are gatekeepers as well, and that is the casting crew. On reality shows, we only see the young, fit, and beautiful. And if we do see some people on reality TV that do not fit this stereotype they are usually on a weight loss show, or some type of crazy mother.

Why is this? Do people not want to see the "real" people. Or do they just want to live in the fantasy land that this is how everyone looks? People who do not like reality shows many times say it is not congruent with their lifestyle, and maybe if they had a show that spoke to them, they would watch. Well I propose that we make shows for every walk of life. Will this ever happen? No, but it would be nice if it did! What type of image do you think America is portraying to other countries with the reality shows on TV?

1 comment:

  1. These topics are good and interesting as well as have the news worth. You could be a very good columnist. I feel that something is missing. I am wondering if some links, references, and support your points with other similar arguments might help (i.e., increase interactivity). I know that you will have questions on my comments… I am questioning myself if I could explain my comments better… ☺ Hopefully, someone else could help me here
